Category Archives: Silke

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So the competition that spurred this whole project is concluded and I received the Queen’s Prize which was a huge thing for me. My final scores were 37/50, 45/50, and 46/50. Very high scores!

The statue I was carving was not even close to complete but I did have enough of it done to show that I was going to do alright with it. Very ambitious for a first carving project and the draping on the dress and face looked very good. I will have to bring it back when it is finished and has its polychrome.

The research paper kind of exceeded “research paper” and was on its way to “thesis” level. The shrine itself was simply superb and the only negative thing that could be said was that it needed to be a bit fuller since the original examples had many layers to them that my shrine was only starting to show. And honestly ~ if that’s the worst thing that could be said about it then I’m doing really well.

I did not experience my usual level of “freak out” right before this competition. I really knew where I stood with all of my projects and there was absolutely no question what-so-ever about this being a period project even if it was something no one had heard of before. Having studied the period examples I was well in my element.

I have some problems with the format and documentation requirements. I don’t think it’s realistic to ask for an in-depth paper about your entry and then give the judges approximately 10 minutes to read it or go over it. I’m a slow reader (I have a higher than average retention rate though) and I’m sure that others have similar issues. I’d like to see the documentation move toward an essay exam format where the documentation consists of answers to specific questions. Then the oral portion can be an elaboration of written answers. Something that can be comprehended and discussed in a limited period of time. I did not however get to discuss this with the other entrants so I might be the only one who feels this way.

Over all I think it was a great experience. I would rather the triathlon be a super project that is defined as one project that included elements from three or more divisions rather than separate projects. Same idea as formerly being able to cross-enter a project. It would make things easier because you could have more judges and just have to present one item.

I’d do it again. I probably will do it again. I’d like to take it to Gulf Wars next spring because that A&S competition is more of a masterwork challenge. Lots of very big projects. Perhaps. Maybe.

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Another Two Lilies

I added to the lily collection so now there are five bright orange daylilies. All of them have the double-wire accent lines on the top of them and I found that the easiest way to wrap them is to use one very long wire, folded in half. The first half is wrapped in with the vellum and then, once wrapped, double the wire back and put in the accents on the top.

I also created several tiny five-petal flowers using the basic pattern I received in Minneapolis. It involves cutting the forms into tiny teardrops and then cutting a slit in the middle and winding with a small wire twisted into a needle (with a very round eye) shape. Winding is done with a needle and goes from middle to outside edge all the way around. Then I cut several quarter-sized ovals from the silk and started making buds to go with the flowers.

And then I started dandelions. Dandelions are little pompons and then, once wrapped, tease the silk out with a needle so it gets the very fluffy look. I also put small metal caps (the kind you use for accenting beads) on the bottom to direct all the fluffy upward. The larger the pompon the less likely you will see the center tie but the key is to get very small pompons.

I also took several of the pieces of deer hide (which was too thick and stiff for me) and soaked them in the sink and tied them into logs. I think these will make very nice branches for my “tree” as they will be wrapped in fabric and mounted on the back wall. I am also wrapping cherry pits in purple fabric for the grape clusters.

And I’m working on a prototype for a goat because I want the goat in the shrine.

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I just finished the third of the lilies and wanted to make some notes on the basic construction and silk.

One of the lilies was made with a three-ply, tightly twisted silk. It was very tiring to untwist and the spool only contained enough silk to make one lily. The other two were made with spun silk. I managed to make eight petals before I ran out of silk and had to get more in the same color. When I did get more (three weeks later) I wrapped up the last four petals. Because of the time delay I completely forgot that I did not untwist the single strand of floss on the first eight petals but I did untwist on the last four. I have one lily that contains petals done both ways. I mention this because there is very clearly a difference if you’re looking closely. The untwisted looks more like thread and is more reflective whereas the twisted has a softer, fluffier look to it. I am going to do an additional two lilies on the sheep vellum with the Trebizod filament silk. The orange blends nicely with the existing two shades and these are wrapping up so much faster.

I seem to be a little large on my scale. From the working standpoint there are pluses and minuses. On the plus size you get bigger, bolder looking flowers and they are a bit easier to handle when you are wrapping them. On the minus side is the sheer volume of silk it takes to make a flower and the fact that it takes longer to wrap and uses more supplies. I do not think there is a right or wrong size in a general way. I have enough silk to make a few shrines and so I’m not going to be concerned about that. I just wanted to record the differences.


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Running The Silk Tests

So I decided that if I’m going to make these cute and little flowers I was going to have to use the proper silk for the job. I hate when I get myself in so deep that I start to question my ability to even swim! I’ve been staring at the photos so very long and I just knew I had to try some different silks.

So I went online and searched out the filament silks. I would prefer to have ones without twist but really hard to find.

I started with Kreinik because that is where I have purchased all of my silk so far. I have vast quantities of the stuff but it’s just not perfect you know. They did not have anything that I don’t already own.

Access Commodities has what I need but I can’t order it from them directly. They are helpful enough to post a list of US suppliers though. Some appear to be better stocked than others. There is nothing that I can just go to and get the silk though.

I placed an order with the Mad Sampler on Christmas Eve. They shipped it out on Christmas day! I was quite pleased with their prices, low shipping charges and  really fast service. I did not do too well with the colors though as it is really difficult to tell what is what on their website.

I will visit a large shop in MN next week to get more silk and hopefully many color charts for future use. I have started the comparisons and hope to have a perfect idea of what I need by the time I travel next week.

All of the tests are with filament silk. What I need to do is wrap small pieces of parchment (vellum) and a wire with the silk and then form it into petals. It is not quite as easy as it sounds but the end result should shine and have nice even lines to it. There are also petals that are stitched and petals that are just silk over a wire framework and I’m sure that different silks will have different applications with this project. I also intend to use up all of the existing silk as well.

So the results:

Kreinik Soie Perlee which is now Serica = This is a three ply tightly twisted silk of small diameter and what I’ve been using for the stitching parts of the project. I have not liked the look of it laid flat on petals and it is rather a bother to tease out the strands.

Trebizond Twisted Silk Thread = This is also a three ply twisted silk but about twice the bulk of the previous choice. Really easy to tease out the strands and pretty easy to wrap onto the petal and I’m happy with the result. Once the strands are teased out you have an exceptionally wavy thread and each ply consists of about six untwisted threads. The wave is not noticeable once the petal has been wrapped but it seems to create a visual bulk and dimension that adds appeal.

Au Ver A Soie – Soie Ovale = This is a flat untwisted silk and although it is very pretty it is also difficult to work with as the petal wrapping took significantly more time because the silk wasn’t grabbing the parchment like it should when it’s being wrapped. The end result was pretty but time consuming.

I think I will have to complete one whole flower with each of the silks and see how I feel about them at that point! And then I can really go shopping….